So a fair bit has gone on this month. My eldest brother turned 30, which is terrifying! So happy belated birthday again! The rest of this month has been a bit all over the place! My work got hit by the big computer virus that hit the NHS and hit probably a good few people you may know too. So for the past two weeks I havent been able to design due to this. At the moment I have over 30 wedding designs although at the moment only some have been put onto paper As you can see some are clearly better than others. I will hopefully have even more to show next month, especially when I am able to get back into the swing of things. Minus design and arty farty things. I havent really been up to much (story of my life). I have just been house hunting This was a little guy we bumped into while waiting on the estate agent to show. Meet Neill.
So yea, I cant really think of anything else that has happened this month..... please enjoy some photos of my fuzzy furball babies